Most of my class had been together for five years and now we were all going our separate ways. Quite a few of us would never meet again.
It’s said that, when looking back, one remembers mainly the good times, but I do believe I really enjoyed Lenzie Academy.
Our class were very fortunate in having excellent teachers. There was one exception - the science master who seemed to us to be really ancient, and I don't think I learned much in his class.
My favourite subjects were Latin, French and English. I disliked Science, Technical Drawing and Woodwork (these subjects I dropped after Third Year) and I positively hated “Gym.” I’ve got to admit that I didn’t care much for Music, and this is strange considering that music became so important to me in later years.
It may surprise you to know that I still have the test papers for the final exams which I sat in March 1943, and also my Certificate showing that I got 3 Highers - Latin, French and English, and 2 Lowers - Maths and History. I also passed the separate Arithmetic paper.
And now, the big confession - I was having a look at those exam papers the other day, and there wasn’t a single question that I could attempt to answer! The Maths paper in particular was completely meaningless!
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